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CPM at the PRMSDC’s Business Opportunity Exchange 2025
CPM at the PRMSDC's Business Opportunity Exchange 2025. CPM actively participated in today's Business Opportunity Exchange Event held at the Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico. Our President & Executive Leader, Héctor Javier Rivera took part in the plenary session, sharing CPM's experience and insights...
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Leadership Journey Program: Shaping the Future of Leadership at CPM
At CPM, we believe that leadership is the foundation of sustainable success. For over three decades, we have been committed to developing leaders who drive innovation, collaboration, and excellence. Our Leadership Journey Program is a reflection of this commitment—an initiative designed to empower talent, cultivate strategic thinking,...
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CPM Completes Connector Bridge Repairs at the Cardiovascular Center of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
CPM, as the Project Manager, has completed the repairs of the Connector Bridge, an essential link between the Cardiovascular Center of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean and the Adult University Hospital.As part of the post-Hurricane María reconstruction efforts, CPM oversaw every aspect of this project, ensuring smooth coordination...
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Yamil Cirino Attends the CMAA Conference 2024
Special thanks to Yamil Cirino as he attends the CMAA2024 conference in San Francisco! This interactive experience is a unique opportunity to delve into cutting-edge industry insights, leadership strategies, and the latest digital innovations. Through events like CMAA2024, our team stays ahead of industry trends...
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Today Marks our 33 Anniversary
Hoy sábado 21 de septiembre conmemoramos un hito importante: 33 años de servicio, innovación y compromiso. A lo largo de este tiempo hemos trabajado incansablemente para transformar ideas en realidades, apoyando tanto al sector público como privado en el área de la infraestructura, la industria farmacéutica y...
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¡CPM, Certificada Como Socio Autorizado de Capacitación!
En CPM nos complace informarles que hemos sido certificada como Authorized Training Partner por el Project Management Institute, Inc.® (PMI).Es para nosotros un placer el formar parte de un selecto grupo de organizaciones autorizadas para ofrecer capacitación en la gerencia de proyectos con los más...
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CPM: Contribuye al Bienestar de Nuestros Veteranos
En CPM, nos complace poder compartir el anuncio sobre la inauguración de las nuevas facilidades del Veterans Affairs (VA), una obra en la que hemos tenido un rol de Gerentes de Proyectos. Este logro no sólo representa un avance significativo en el desarrollo económico, sino también un compromiso firme con la salud y bienestar...
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CPM recibe el “Rising Star Award 2023”
CPM recibe con gran alegría el "Rising Star Award 2023" por el @PRMSDC - Puerto Rico Minority Supplier Development Council. Para nosotros es un honor el poder participar activamente en el Concilio de Empresas Minoritarias y formar parte activa en el programa de mentoría, comentó...
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CPM at the Forefront in Disaster Recovery and Network Transformation in Times of Climate Change
CPM participated in the IEEE-Innovative Smart Grid Technology Conference "2023 Disaster Recovery and Network Transformation in Times of Climate Change"; an excellent opportunity to learn about industry best practices and lessons learned; and be able to showcase our services in the project management field.
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